Dakota Chasity

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How Your Spouse Should Respond During the First Look

ADVICE: Don't put pressure on your spouse for how they should respond during the first look (whether that is before the ceremony, coming down the aisle, or both).⁣

I have heard countless conversations (from brides, family, & other photographers) that end with, "If he doesn't cry, I'm going to _____."⁣

The reason why this mindset is not healthy is because it creates expectations that can take away the raw, authentic, genuine, & honest response that your spouse will give in their OWN way. This ultimately results in disappointment, which is no way to celebrate one of the best days of your life. Your spouse is going to react & in a way that's telling of their own personality & way of loving you. Emoting can be in smiles, tears, words, or silence. If there is anything that you can do - it's create a home-y, stress-free, pressure-free space where your spouse can enjoy themselves & soak up those moments with you.⁣

XO, Dakota