How to Support Your Photography Clients


Be available.

Even though have set business hours, I tell my clients that they can reach out at any time. I feel like it’s my responsibility to guard my time & set boundaries. I don’t put that on my client, though I appreciate when they are mindful of it. So if a client has something on their mind about a timeline, outfit ideas, etc. - I want them to know they can reach out to me, even if it’s outside of my business hours. When you are planning out details, sometimes you just need to get it off of your brain when it’s there. I just say that I will get back to them as soon as possible. The point is just letting them know you are there if needed.

Get to know them.

Your clients have entrusted you with & invited you to document this milestone in their lives. Ask them questions. Listen to what they have to say, listen to what they need. It’s going to help you to showcase who they really are when they get in front of your camera.

Encourage them.

Being in front of the camera is a vulnerable place. From the moment a client inquires with you, they need your assurance & sometimes reassurance that it’s okay to be themselves, to do what makes them happy, that you are excited for them, & that you are there to support them.

Anticipate needs.

Let them know what they can expect, without them having to ask. Think about what you would want to know if you were hiring a photographer. Lay it all out. What you are about, how you do things, your booking process, payments, contracts, timelines, turn around times, etc. If they do have more questions, openly & honestly answer them. Even if you feel like you already answered it, remember that every person absorbs & retains information differently, and that they asked because it’s important to them. Offer help where you can. Use your website, guides, & other resources as visual aids. Give them information that serves them.

Ask for feedback.

Knowing what your client’s experience was like will grow you, challenge you, push you, & affirm you. There are always things we can do better as photographers & business owners, regardless of how much experience we have.

XO, Dakota

Dakota ArgoComment