The Importance of Making Your Clients Friends

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If there were any piece of advice that I could give to a photographer regardless of their experience level, it would be to become great friends with your clients.

When you dive into something focused on how to serve & love the other person(s) without thinking about how you can benefit from it - that’s when things start shifting. It’s easy to fall into the trap of treating your clients like they are just another project, another job to complete, another paycheck to bring home. If you want your business to change, then focus on your client experience. From the moment they contact you, show them why you care & what makes you different from every other photographer out there. Grab coffee with them. FaceTime them. Ask how you can help. Talk to them about their favorite things. Ask about what is important to them. Keep in touch. Show your appreciation. Add value to them. Encourage them. Assure them. Go the extra 15 miles. Show them why they hired you & that you are in their corner for the long haul. Make your people matter.

XO, Dakota

Dakota ArgoComment