Why Self-Care is Important


Quick Tips on Self-Care

Self-care is a tough topic, friend. If you’ve find yourself getting stuck in a cycle, overwhelmed, feeling burned out, losing touch with the people you love, tying your personal worth to what you do, and you can’t remember the last time you had fun - then this article is for you. I’ve been right there with you. I may not feel what you feel or be in your shoes, but I can 100% understand it.

While this article does not dig deep into the mental, physical, social, emotional, & spiritual aspects of self-care - I’ve found it so helpful to reference when I feel myself sliding into a bad place & growing restless. Taking care of ourselves is actually what benefits those around us. So let’s hit on what self-care is & is not, some questions to ask yourself today, & a few ideas for self-care.

XO, Dakota


What Self-Care is Not

All or nothing.
A luxury.
Based on achievement.
An obligation.

What Self-Care Is

Relishing moments, small & big.
Teaches you to be present.
A little time, every day.
The freedom to change things up if you need to.

Self-Care Q&A

How do I feel today?
What am I thankful for right now?
What is a positive affirmation I can give myself today?
What attitude do I need to change about myself?
What do I need to be the best version of myself?

Self-Care Tips & Ideas

Set aside some quiet time.
Get moving (go for a walk or exercise).
Take a long bath.
Take time getting yourself ready for the day.
Catch up with a friend.
Talk with your therapist.
Read a book.
Eat 3 healthy meals.
Ask for help.
Have fun.
Take breaks when you need to.
Drink water.
Say something kind about yourself, to yourself.
Receive words of kindness from others without refuting it.
Say a kind word to someone else.
Get 8 hours of sleep.
Go to bed early.
Wake up early.
Turn off your phone/unplug.
Silence negative thoughts.
Declutter your space.
Turn on your favorite music.
Take a nap.
Light a candle
Open windows/blinds & let some light in.
Spend some time alone.
Learn when to say yes and no.
Try something new.

Dakota ArgoComment