What You are Really Paying For When You Hire a Photographer


A General Break Down

Talent - This is what comes naturally to a photographer.

Creativity - It’s what sets photographers apart from each other. It’s their style, their ideas, their approach, their brand. Talent is playing music & creavity is composing it.

Skill -  Skill can be learned. It is what a photographer does well. Skill comes with experience.

Quality - You want your photos to be beautiful, which means hiring a photographer that understands lighting, composition, editing, etc. 

Experience - Experience yields growth. Generally - the more experience that a photographer has, the more they’ve refined their craft, the more skill they’ve acquired, & the better quality work they will provide.

Time Invested & Services Performed - Everything from communication, planning, shooting, weeks of editing, & delivering your gallery.

Cost of Doing Business - consultation, communication, studio/space rental, business licenses, permits, insurance, taxes, accountant, small business lawyer, memberships, marketing, advertising, website, SEO, social media, business cards, branding (and rebranding), camera gear & equipment, computer equipment, apps & software (used for website, online galleries, editing, printing, contracts, online storage, graphic design, bookkeeping, invoicing, etc.), educational tools & resources, travel, etc.

Demographic - Where a photographer lives or performs their services has a lot to do with their prices.

Cost of Living - everyday expenses like housing, food, healthcare, etc.

Let’s Get Honest About Your Investment Though

There’s enough info graphics, memes, carousel posts, and blogs justifying why photographers are expensive, but those posts often have everything to do with photographers and so little to do with the clients! While it’s important to educate clients on how your years of experience, services performed, costs of doing business, & costs of living factor into your rates - it’s not actually going to tell them how you are going show up for them & serve them. That’s the sell point.

Clients want to hire a photographer that inspires them, that they can trust, that can truly capture who they are & the things they love, that values them, that will serve them, & that creates space for the memories they want to make. They want a photographer that can share wisdom & knowledge to help them navigate the details and planning of their day. They are looking for connection. They are looking for a photographer that makes them feel a certain way. They want to know how you are going to meet THEIR needs! I know that every photography educator out there will tell you to know your worth and charge accordingly - and that’s true - but we are still responsible as creatives and business owners for communicating the value clients receive by hiring us, and that goes beyond pricing. Talent gets noticed, but experience gets remembered.

XO, Dakota

Dakota ArgoComment