5 Tips for Using On-Camera Flash at Receptions⁣⁣


5 Tips for Using On-Camera Flash at Receptions⁣⁣

1. Know the difference between Front Curtain Sync & Rear Curtain Sync.⁣⁣

I prefer RCS, where the flash triggers at the end of the shutter duration, as your rear curtain is about to close. This captures your subject where they end up, with the light trails tracing the movement that got them there.⁣⁣

2. Know the difference between shooting in Continuous Mode (Burst Mode) versus Single Mode & how it affects your recycle times.⁣⁣

Shooting in Single Mode allows your flash enough time to recycle. The only time it won’t fire is when the batteries are dying. You will have to anticipate action.⁣⁣

Shooting in Continuous Mode does not allow the flash as much time to recycle. You’ll sometimes notice in a series of shots that a couple look like the flash did not fire. The flash will not work until it’s able to recycle again. (This used to happen to me all of the time & I didn't understand why).⁣⁣

3. Know the difference between shooting in TTL Mode versus Manual Mode & decide which one works best for you.⁣⁣

4. Know that in most DSLR cameras, the shutter speed limit is either 1/200 or 1/250. If you go beyond those values, your shutter will not be in sync with the flash anymore.⁣⁣

5. Make sure that you know what batteries are the most compatible with your flash.⁣⁣

I found that I was going through several sets of batteries at my receptions and my flash was getting hot. While part of that was because I was shooting in Continuous Mode & not giving my flash time to recycle, the other part of it was that I needed batteries that could perform better. SO, I ended up doing research and bought Eneloop rechargeable NiMH batteries + charger.⁣

I hope these tips help you navigate your flash with a little more ease.

XO, Dakota

Dakota ArgoComment